Custom Computers

If you are in need of a new custom computer we can help.

We build custom computers that use the best quality parts. Why settle for something off the shelf, that has programs installed that waste space and slow down the system. Let us build something that runs as fast as the components allow.

Gamers don't buy pre-built computer with half the video card or not enough memory. Do it right the first time. Get the parts in that speed demon that you need so that you don't lag out. We know what it takes, and we are here to build it for you.

Small business owner we know that you don't need a graphics card that won't be used. We know you need you computers to work so your employees can. We are a small business also, we are local and you can talk to us when you need to and not be on hold. Why send your computer back for 3 weeks when we can come to you? We have been serving the Greater Tulsa area for more than 10 years.

Students and Surfers we know you aren't wanting to buy something that is overpriced. We also have worked on a lot of the pre-built computers you buy at the fast-food office supply stores. The parts are not going to last, they are disposable. We will give you a breakdown of what you are getting and what it is for, and if your needs require it. We can build you a computer that will last for years to come.

Lets us Build your New Computer!